
23 Things That I Have Done While Being 23

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March is the month that I turn 24 years old! It is so hard to believe that I am only one year away from being the big 2-5! When I was 21 years old, I was reflecting on my life and I was trying to remember key highlights of my teenage years. I find that it starts to become blurry as the time passes, especially since I didn’t write it in a journal! I feel that the older that I get, the more I want to remember what I have accomplished and done at every age that I have turned. When I am old and grey, I want to be able to look back on what I have done throughout my 20’s and 30’s and feel that it was worthwhile.

That is when I decided to record in my journal about my most favorable memories that has happened to me while being at a certain age that I have turned.  I was determined to come up with the amount of memories that were equivalent to whatever my age was. Therefore, my theory is the older that I get, the more memories that I will have. So when I am 80 years old, I hope to have 80 memories during that age period – oops, am I extending this too far? Anyways, I feel that this reflection will force me to open up my boundaries and will allow me to record my growth and maturity as the years passed by.

I think that this has been one of the best things that I have done for myself and I encourage every one of you to give this a try – whether you decide to write down memories as they happened during your specific age period or reflecting on your year the day before your Birthday.   

    1. Had a wonderful wedding shower and was so grateful that I was able to spend it with friends and family.
    2. Went to a hockey game with my hubby – this was our first time attending a NHL game together.
    3. Ran 10 km Women’s run with my good friend. It was her first time running a race and she did so well!
    4. Bachelorette party – My friends did a really good job planning this, especially since I am not a big drinker (Kudos to them!).
    5. Moved out of my parents place and moved into a cute lake cottage.
    6. Decorated our wedding venue and had a successful rehearsal dinner – the nerves and excitement that I was feeling the day before our wedding was indescribable!
    7. Married my best friend!!
    8. Honeymoon – we went to Victoria, BC for three days and it was AMAZING.
    9. Shopping spree with our gift cards from our wedding– it was so nice to go shopping without feeling guilty or worrying about our budget.
    10. Got a cute little Malamute puppy!
    11. Enjoyed long summer evenings around the lake.
    12. Ran my very first obstacle race (Mud Hero).
    13. Went to visit old friends and got to spend time with them before my one friend had her baby – it was incredibly nice to catch up with them!
    14. My husband and I went to a Halloween event for adults at Fort Edmonton Park and it was actually quite fun – I think we might make it a tradition.
    15. Puppy experienced his first fall and snowfall – super cute!
    16. Got to see my parent’s brand new spanking house.
    17. Improved immensely on my cooking/baking skills.
    18. Celebrated my husband’s grandparents’ 60th anniversary.
    19. Took my puppy to obedience class – he got 92% on his final test!
    20. Attended my friend’s baby shower and got to meet her beautiful baby girl.
    21. Went Skiing at Lake Louise – never skied there before and won’t be the last time!
    22. My husband and I splurged on a mezze platter at an amazing Greek restaurant in Edmonton called Yianni's Backyard – we never splurge on dinners or even go out for them!
    23. Created a blog!
Talk to you soon,


  1. Wow what a list! Seems like you have had a great year. I believe this is a fantastic idea and will definitely do this myself.

    Cylia <3

    1. Thanks Cylia! I encouraged you to try it. It's a lot of fun to look back at your lists after a couple of years.
